Sunday, October 22, 2006

Random Thoughts and Rambles

Ok, so by now we all know that the Running Chick qualified for Boston and kicked the Hartford course's ass. In case you missed the epic length race report head over and check it out. I had left her a comment saying:
"Di, I am so proud to have shared in the day! You are truly amazing and I am so lucky to have such a strong, motivated, inspiring woman in my life as well as influencing the life and character of my daughter. So proud!!!"
I share this with you because it's so true and something that's been on my mind lately. There are so many influences and outside factors impacting the kind of person my daughter will grow up to be, the media, teachers, classmates, the people I surround myself with, my own actions and sense of self.
This week marks the one year anniversary that Hubby has been home from Iraq. The last year has been almost as difficult as the year he was gone. There was so much to "figure out" and reconnecting that needed to be done slowly. The last two years have been the hardest of my life but through it all I have found that I have an enormous amount of strength and determination to fight for the ones I love, to be patient in letting them find their way back, and not settle for an easier way out. Through it all I am constantly trying to be the best role model I can be to mold Little Miss into a strong, confident, proud woman. I love the feeling at the end of a race when she is cheering everyone over the finish line or says "Someday I'm going to run like Mommy". I can't help but puff out my feathers after hearing at parent- teacher conference that she is independent, caring, kind and so funny. And to feel accomplished when she wants to stay an extra night at Grandpa's that she is a well adjusted kid. People ask all the time how we can afford to live on one salary and there is the answer. I am paid over and over for the "work" I do at home. With good friends like Di and AA to surround myself it's no wonder the job feels easy.

Today, I ran my last long run before the marathon next week. I am looking forward to surrounding myself next weekend with the determined and motivated people of the RBF and supportive people, my dad and the Hubby as well as being hosted by a strong leader in John's former commander.

I'm going to kick some marathon butt of my own!

Great sentiments. As parents, we always try to be aware of influences on our children. We can only hope that as runners, doing something more than sitting on the couch will inspire our own children to dream big and take on challenges.

Best of luck in your marathon!

This makes me want to cry happy tears! You are such a good mother....
Can't wait to see you this weekend!!
Not only is your body in the right place for this race, your head is in a great place too. I commend you for your commitment and dedication. It is recognized and appreciated by more people than you can imagine and probably by a lot who won't say so.
See you Saturday (somehow). Got a number? Or use mine.
You are going to do great! Enjoy the rest of the taper and conquer MCM.
What a beautiful post! Have a great race!
Good luck tomorrow Michelle. It was nice to meet you and your support crew today!
Good luck--you go girl!
Great job today!!! We've been tracking you guys all morning!! Enjoy some much earned rest!
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