Sunday, September 24, 2006

That Wasn't So Bad

The 20 miler that is...
I wasn't sure how the beast was going to play out when the events leading up to the run went anything but smooth. I had asked for a Fuel Belt for my birthday but did not get one so, as a last minute effort I tried to catch up with April Anne and borrow hers (since she is on hiatus). That didn't work out and then I couldn't get in touch with the host of the run to find out the route to plant my Powerade and Clifshots so I began to worry about hydration and whether I was going to be prepared. Then the morning of I was late to the meet up spot which caused a rushed and discombobulated start.
Once the running began the morning began to smooth out. I started slow in the back of the pack and found my rhythm comfortable immediately. Until it started to rain that is then I played the hot/cold game- shirt on, shirt off, sleeves up, shirt off, high beams on, well, you get the picture. Immediately I blamed the Running Chick for she has doomed all that run with her for rain on 20 milers and marathons. The miles ticked by and before I knew it she was calling back to me to remind me to eat. I took my first Clifshot at mile 7 and then another at 11. At mile 14 we said goodbye to the other runners and I watched Di speed off for her last 4 miles at MP. I plugged in my Ipod and enjoyed my collection of songs as I trudged on for the last 6 miles. I was so engrossed in the tunes that I missed my turn and by the time I realized it and turned back I had added on an extra mile and change on to the run. I took my last Clifshot and was feeling strong. A little bit later when Di pulled up next to me in my car to say I had less than a mile to go I was floored. I felt great! I felt strong and I was almost done- PHEW!!!
After a nap, a hot shower and a good lunch it was off for my birthday finale which consisted of my closest friends, Corona and a lot of laughs. As tired as I am tonight I can't help but smile- BRING IT ON MARINE CORP MARATHON... I'm ready this time...

Well you got through all the commotion and settled in nicely for the run. Good for you.
I agree - bring on the MCM!
Yahoo, Michelle! Sorry I missed you guys this week, too late a start for me to get home for soccer. Which was cancelled due to the rain, so as it turns out I could have gone. UGH! See you Sat. I hope.
Way to go!! Bring the marathon on!
Awesome job with the training! I just wanted to let you know that my husband got back from Iraq last Friday. It was like he never left. The girls are having ablast with him and I love the adult conversations!!!

Will be watching for the race results! kick some butt!!!
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