Wednesday, September 20, 2006

I Needed to Pullover

Ya know that commercial, the one that says "Life comes at you fast..." I am living it. I feel like since hubby's injury in June, (no wait since Hubby was deployed Oct '04) I have been nonstop. Taxi to Dr and PT, working, caring for the family, fitting in runs.... I couldn't wait for the "kiddies" to go back to school. I could just taste those 3 hrs of ME time in the morning. Well, it's been 3 weeks and I have yet to find the ME time. Between work and work, I've haven't gotten a thing done. Something needed to change so...
Hubby took me on a Renaissance weekend for my birthday and we had lots and lots of me time . It was fabulous. We stayed at a quaint B &B in Harwich Port, MA and spent one day on Nantucket. It was restful and relaxing and just what I needed. So this week I felt I would be recharged and ready for my runs. I was slightly disappointed when I went to do my 4x 1600's and felt like I had lead legs. The times didn't improve or slow over the 4 repeats, so I guess consistency counts for something. 20 miles on the schedule for the weekend!!!

Glad you had a nice birthday. Can't wait to hear all about it on Sat.!
Happy Birthday! Good luck on 20 miler on Saturday.
Yeah, glad you birthday celebration was special. Now, about that 20-miler. Just four 5-mile runs, right?
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