Friday, September 08, 2006

Chasing Skirt

Ok, here it is quick... My version of the New Haven Road Race Report!
It started with a meeting in the early morning to pick AA up and bring her to the race. The car ride was great AA was the closest to Little Miss and was "it" the whole ride, she was even asked to draw the perfect pic of my van ;).
When we arrived at the race we semi quickly met up with Dianna, Jon, David and Beth. Picked up the race number and visited the portapotties and then Di was racing us off to the start. I of course ghaffed her off and took the more laid back approach which I payed for after clocking in a 9:45 first mile- ughh! David and I decided we could make up the time in the next 11 miles and started chatting with Beth about the other skirts on the course. There were some really short ones, there were some tennis skirts, but I decided I liked mine the best.
The miles were flying by as David and I talked about life, life in the military, the upcoming Marine Corp Marathon and tattoos. Soon we were on the 10k point and David told me to go on he would find me at the beer tent. The next 6.2 were not as fun and I was wishing for my music, a race day friend or some other distraction. My pace became a bit erratic going from 8:10 to 8:41 back to 8:16. At mile 8ish I passed another girl wearing a Running Skirt, she gave me a "Nice skirt" and I nodded with a smile and kept on trucking. We later met up in the beer line and she agreed that our running skirt was the best and most comfortable.
I was able to pull off a PR and ran a pace of 8:37 which I am very pleased with. Must be all the track workouts and training long with the "speedy" Running Chick. The post race festivities which included FREE Red Hook beer, Jon's truffles, David's photography and lots of shared race stories- oh and we found Danny and his gang.
So fun, we'll see more of you next year!!!! I gotta go get ready for my 18 miler tomorrow. David, I want the full report. Remember you promised me 13.1 in DC...

Sounds like an awesome race!!
I am SO sorry I missed it. Can you hear me crying????????????
Great PR kiddo!!
Great race and you do look fine in that skirt. too bad my inner thighs would be burned off if I wore one!
I concur about your styling skirt. It WAS the best looking one out there.
I also look forward to getting some more yakking in over the course of the first 13.1 miles of MCM so long as you're not going for a crazy 8:30 pace again. How about 9:30 over the front 13?
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