Sunday, July 23, 2006

Track, Tempo and Trails

Training is going well! Fundraising is going well. I am only $60 short of my $500 goal for the Fisher House Foundation Military Spouse/ Marathon Team. You can read more about the Fisher House here. You can make a donation in my name here. Don't forget to include my name -Michelle Bolduc.

Tuesday, I was up bright and early to hit the track. I had 4x 1200 on the schedule. I whipped around the track 3 times and felt awesome. According to the plan I'm supposed to go 50 sec faster than 10k time. I still haven't figured all that out and my first 1200 was 5:30. During my recovery I ws approached by a man on the track that was a track coach. He offered some advice on pulling my arms in closer to my body and then he said everything else looked good... wonder what else he was referring to ;). Anyway, the next 1200 I pulled my arms in and I flew... the first 400 was at 1:28 but I knew that was too fast to sustain for the rest of my workout. I was able to keep my intervals between 5:27 and 5:35. I did a 1/2 mile cool down before heading home to get ready for work and schlep beers for some sweaty golfers!

Thursday, I was supposed to meet up with Bill, David and April Anne. Unfortunately work required my attention and I had to go in. (With the hubby's injury and PT bills about to pour in I need the $) Not until I got my 5 mile tempo run in though. I did an out and back 2.5 mile run twice. It's a decent route with some decent hills but I felt like I was flying. I banged it out in 39min and change. I was feeling pumped as I went into work. My bar patrons could tell too there were a few comments on my chipperness. Ahhh, the power of a good run!

Saturday's long run was 8 miles on trails and the last 4 on the road. We met bright and early to beat the heat and I'm glad we did. It was very humid already at 6:30 and because we were going to be on trails there wasn't a good place to stash some water. I was hoping that I hydrated enough on Fri and that the one after shift drink that I had wouldn't come back to haunt me in the dehydration category. For the most part I felt great. The trails were challenging at times and there were many hills that a couple of times I felt like I was walking up them- oh wait I was walking! After fueling up at 8 and heading back on the roads with Dianna I felt much better. My legs were definitely tired but I banged out the last 4 miles with a 9-9:30 pace. I felt good about the run.

My tummy liked the GU. I have to figure out when to take it. Do you use them on your shorter runs or just long runs?

Awesome run! I would use the Gu for runs longer than 5 miles with a big swig of water.

Good luck during your training.
Gu. I use it only on the long runs. If I have anything longer than 10, I will bring one with me in case I want it, and then I'll use it around 8. You need to have some before you feel like you need to though. Takes some time to get that sugar into your bloodstream.
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