Sunday, July 02, 2006

Aimed Too High

So... I was so excited about the Running Chick long run on Sat that I set my heights high on 10 miles. I haven't been doing consistent long runs but I have been running on a consistent basis week to week for about 6 weeks now and thought I could "grind it out". We met at Dianna's house and started up the first hill with me talking about my Hubby's latest drama- the ruptured achilles tendon. We approached the down hill and I was winded. Let the girls know that I was out of shape for their pace and trudged on. About mile 6 they let me stop for a breather and about mile 7ish I told them to keep going I would meet them at the end. Mile 7 to the end was a walk/run. Took me about 44 minutes to finish the 3 miles- very sad!! The time spent with the Running Chicks were well worth the effort and discomfort.
Anyway, I'm not going to let it discourage me, it's a long 17 weeks until the marathon.

Don't get yourself down about your time. You did an awesome run!
Ouch for John, that is one of the worst injuries. Nice job grinding out the ten miler, I haven't ran more than 8 since Boston and I am getting worried!
It was fun to see you on Saturday. I hope we can do more Saturday runs together. Like you said, don't worry about the time--you have 17 weeks to prepare and I know you will do awesome
17 weeks is plenty. The training program I am using for Memphis is only 14 weeks long. You will be ready!
Those pesky RCs who run fast can wear you down alright. I promise to run your pace when we get together.
17 weeks is a long time, and you've got a deep bank of muscle experience. I have this theory that people who are experienced athlete's have trained their bodies to condition quickly, so that if they drop down in conditioning between training sessions, they can come back up to speed faster than someone who doesn't train at all.
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