Thursday, June 15, 2006

Working It Out

Busy, busy... with 4th bday parties, working, and running. That's correct, I've been running and lifting and tearing up the elliptical machine. I'm still working out the kinks of "fitting everything in" but for now it seems to be working.

I am enjoying the lifting but do not have an actual "program" that I am following. I'm just doing the circuit machines 2x a week, light weight, lots of reps. Right now my running program is just to run when I get the chance. Better than nothing...

So, next week when Hubby and Little Miss are out of school for the summer it will all be revamped again- UGH!

I know what you mean about "working out the kinks" and trying to fit into life. PITA.

Yeah Summer!
Awww...what a sweet pic.
If you interested in meeting for a run, just send me an e-mail. My summer hours at the townhall start at the end of next week.
School's just getting out? Wow. We've been out for a month already. Of course, we go back August 7.
Sounds like you're doing your best to stay fit. Good for you.
I was on the same program too, that run when you can program. But that's all over now, I have all the time I need! woohoo!!
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